Wooden Framed Retablo of St. Michael the Warrior 25924


A 13” tall hand-painted and framed wooden retablo with a center image of St. Michael the Warrior/Protector.

Retablos are painted depictions of important religious or notable icons (like Milagro shapes) and are found throughout the Americas as well as Europe.  Nichos are wooden frames or boxes – much like a shadow box – which is used to either frame an iconic image or to serve as a mini-altar.

Our nicho-style retablo is carved from wood with a one-inch deep frame just deep enough to hold tiny offerings such as milagros, photos or religious medals. 

The interior of the nicho features a hand-painted depiction of St. Michael.  Soothing colors were used on this hand-crafted folk art piece including black, gold, navy, green and white.

It measures 13” in height, 6” in width and is ready to hang.
